Itinerary Ring San Polo
We start from Poggio alla Croce taking the CAI path 00 in the direction of the Abbey of Montescalari. Once we get to Trogoli’s source (m 692), we take the path 20 on the right, which, in its initial part goes round Mount Moggino, on whose flat top we can still see some ruins of an old tower house, completely destroyed by an English bombardment in July 1944. The path continues along a beautiful ridge accompanied by beautiful views of the city of Florence and the Apuan Alps. After the ruins of Pian della Vite, the road begins to descend until you get a Linari (440 m), whose name is probably derived from the cultivation of flax. Going for an easy dirt road, about 2.5 km long, we finally arrive in San Polo in Chianti.
We continue in the direction of the valley of Rubbiana, climbing between cypresses and olive trees, until you get under the ancient parish church of San Miniato a Rubbiana, a building of ancient origins (1077), built on a pre-existing Lombard little church.
Once at home Aiaia (467 m), we turn down the path 00, which, among oaks and cypress trees, brings us to the villa Fabbroni (a beautiful isolated building of the nineteenth-century ) and then to home Fabiano, before climbing to Mount Muro.
Before returning to the Poggio alla Croce, we pass under the little church of San Cerbone, placed in a picturesque and scenic place.
The boards of the routes are kindly provided by